Friday Phone Dump…

These two have been into pirates lately, and they frequently gather all the small chairs in the house and fashion them into a pirate ship…

Doesn’t little M make a good pirate?

Baby J might have to be a Hulk for Halloween…we’ll see.

Hanging out at the hospital, waiting for her appointment.

Books in the mail from the grandma are the best…

You know who else makes a good pirate? This guy in a pink cowboy pirate hat. Ha.

It cracks me up when my kids fall asleep while they are eating. So, I do what any spectacular parent would do, and I giggle and take pictures.

For some reason, best toy ever…

This girl is happy to have her cousin Q home…

Look what happened to my poor baby J…
This is what a tumble down cement stairs, on your face, looks like.

When you don’t have a belt, sticking your sword down your shorts will do the job.

This girl…I love her smile.

Little M LOVES her some gymnastics class.

Sleeping girl…


  1. Always wear your tiara on August 9, 2014 at 12:26 pm

    My heart skipped a little beat when I saw baby J's face. O-U-C-H.They do make very cute pirates.

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