Becoming Friends…

Is it wrong that their little fights crack me up?

I want very badly for my children to be good friends, and I pray everyday that they will be…

But seriously, I do love these little fights, and the things that they say, and their faces…they make me laugh.
Oh, don’t worry, I try not to laugh at them when they can see me. I am very stealth.

They make me laugh. Until four. At four, things happen, and it’s not so funny anymore. People start talking in high-pitched voices. People start crying, and people stop listening.
Four in the afternoon? Four is not my friend.
But then, around seven, everyone is friends again, and I am happy and cracking up all over again.

Because even though all the little spats crack me up until four…around seven my little ones are hugging and kissing each other good night, and that is something that melts my heart every time. I could watch THAT all day long. The fighting can grate after a while, but when they are loving on each other…
I love it.

Little M and baby J have recently started watching a show together in the afternoons, and I usually sit with them…to make sure that peace is kept, you know?

Yesterday they were watching a little show, and baby J stopped watching about half way through. He only had eyes for little M. She was all he wanted to watch. He scooted closer and closer to her until they were touching, but she was engrossed in her show.

He smiled at her and touched her face a little, then he leaned up and kissed her cheek. She smiled and kissed him back, and went back to her show.
He leaned in and kissed her again, and said “la luhloo (I love you), “
She smiled, kissed him back, and said “I love you, too,” and went back to her watching.

With this encouragement, baby J grabbed her hand and kissed it, and then went back up to kiss her cheek. He turned her to face him, and said “Ia luhloo, jiejie (I love you, big sister).
Little M smiled, told him she loved him again, and kissed his cheek.

Baby J took all of this encouragement and ran with it, telling little M over and over that he loved her, and kissing her.

Little M was so sweet and tolerable, but after a few minutes of all this affection, she had enough.
After baby J kissed her, she grabbed his hands, and said “OK! I love you too! Let’s watch our show now!”
And baby J did.

And I about died from all of the cuteness.
And my heart melted…because these two being friends is pretty much the best thing I could have imagined.

Also, baby J doesn’t spontaneously tell the husband and I that he loves us. Only his big sister.
And I love that.


  1. Musings from Kim K. on June 9, 2013 at 1:00 pm

    Just precious. They really are doing so well with all the new transitions. There are so many days that I wish Emma and Josie weren't 8 years apart in age. I'm so happy for your family.

  2. dawn on June 10, 2013 at 12:00 am

    I hope you get all this cuteness on video…you must. That is so sweet. sigh.

  3. Paula on June 10, 2013 at 12:53 am

    Be still my heart…..that is just too much cuteness to take! I agree with Dawn. You need to get some of these moments on video.

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