Too Hot…
Seriously, I am so ready for Fall. I am tired of this heat! It has been so hot, and I can’t wait for cooler weather, and boots and sweaters…Ahhh.
Anyways. We have played in the kiddie pool, and little M loves it, but sometimes it is just too hot to even sit out in the cool water, and we have to deal with the hearing aid.
So we do this…
Little M puts her swimsuit on, and I hyperventilate while blowing up a ton of balloons.
Then she jumps in our tub…
And just plays (water-free, so we can leave her hearing aid in) with the balloons.
She is entertained by this for at least an hour. Do you know what I can get done in an hour?
If this weather keeps up, this form of entertainment may become a staple at our house!
I'm thinking that an old fashioned rubber bathing cap will keep her ear dry as long as she isn't trying to swim underwater. Maybe you can even find something \”high tech\” at a sporting goods store!What an idea, a DRY BUBBLE BATH !!!