Then and Now…

When we first got little M her hair was chopped short. Capital S, Short. I loved playing with it even then.

I would put into teeny tiny little pony tails on top of her head. It was so stinking cute.
But I couldn’t wait for it to grow out. And it was slow…but all of a sudden, it really started growing quickly, and now…it looks like a cute little bob. Unfortunately, it makes her look much older, but the upside is that it can be put into the cutest little styles.
I love doing little M’s hair, and she loves having it done. We pick out her accessories together, and she holds them and sits in front of the mirror while I do her hair.

Her favorite is pigtails.
Finally, her hair is long enough, that ALL of it fits into two little pigtails! I love doing fun styles on her, and so far, we have come up with some fun, cute looks!!


  1. Proud Mama and Papa on July 10, 2011 at 11:33 pm

    I love pigtails…but Bella is not a fan. She prefers barrettes or headbands…neither of which stay in for very long. Hopefully, Ruby likes some pigtails!

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