Matching Babies…
One of tiny P’s favorite things is when we play with other friends who have g-tubes or brave scars…she is very proud of all the things that make her her, and she loves to show off her scar to her other little heart friends.
She had been asking for a baby that looked like her for a long time, and there just aren’t any!
So, we made one.
We used a baby doll she already loves to play with, and sewed a g-tube on her little belly.
Little M helped me sew “scars” in white thread, to match the ones on our tiny P, and then little M painted over them with clear nail polish so they wouldn’t come lose.
Our baby LOVES this baby! It gets even more play than I thought it would, and has been an excellent  sort of therapy play with doctor things, and talking about medical things and scars. I love that our girl is proud of her scars and is so confident with medical things…I hope she always has this pride in her “brave.”