Three Years…
Three years ago, this little guy walked into his new life with the same enthusiasm he brings into everything he does. Our tiny tornado was all in.
Our baby J loves everything and everyone. But most of all, he loves his family. He is fiercely loyal, and his sisters are his very favorite people in the world.
Even though baby J is physically healthy (especially compared to his sisters), he came from a background of trauma that has left quite a mark on his little self.
He is all boy, and he is WILD…but he is so careful and so gentle around his sisters, especially tiny P, and he treats her like a delicate little flower, even though she is definitely not that, ha!
His favorite thing to play is pirate, and tiny P is always his willing participant.
He is so happy, and he has the best giggle in the world…
Three years ago, this little guy became our little guy, and we are so privileged to be the ones chosen to walk through this life loving him.
Happy three years, precious boy!