Nine Months…

Nine months ago we got home from China with the newest member of our family.
And we were terrified.
I was sure that our lives were never going to be the same. And I was right…

Our lives are completely different, forever changed because of this one tiny little girl.

She has completely changed our lives, in just nine short months.
She has been through so much, with nine hospital stays in nine months, and hundreds of doctor visits…
And still, she has not lost one bit of her fight, her strong will, her power of super sassiness.

She is beyond sassy… and she is the sweetest little cuddle bug ever.
She is so smart, and she loves to sit and “read” her books. She can count to twenty, and knows her abc’s.
She loves to be up in little M and baby J’s business, and she excels at tattling on them.
She is funny…she keeps us laughing, even when she’s not trying to.
She is a naughty little thing. She touches everything, and everything goes in her mouth.

She keeps us all on our toes, and she keeps everyone hopping around her, doing her bidding. Little M says that she is like a tiny little queen.
She is generally happy, but when she is not, everyone knows it. She is loud, and she lets her feelings all hang out.

We didn’t know this in China, since we were so scared we couldn’t see it, but this girl was perfectly made for us. We couldn’t see it then, but we see it now… we needed her just as much as she needed us.

We cannot imagine life without you, precious girl!


  1. Brianna Wachter on June 27, 2015 at 7:08 pm

    It some ways it seems like P has been home so much longer than nine months! It is clear P and your family were meant to be together and it is so special to see her little person thriving!

  2. Debbie Sauer on June 28, 2015 at 12:47 am

    She is so precious ! I'm glad that she has you for a Mommy. Blessings

  3. Always wear your tiara on June 28, 2015 at 11:08 am

    she is, just like your other 2, excuisite. (and just as adorbs)

  4. Musings from Kim K. on June 29, 2015 at 7:25 pm

    Continued blessings and prayers! She's just precious and you have such a beautiful strong family.

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