My Man…
I really don’t talk about the husband as much as I should… it’s all babies, babies, babies on here (and me, me me, too), but today is the husband’s birthday. So, it’s only fitting that he should be talked about all day long.
The husband is a fabulous father, and an equally fabulous husband… I know you have seen glimpses of his fabulousness on the blog here and there, but he is amazing, and I really ought to be shouting his  awesomeness from the rooftops.
He loves his family… he loves us so well, and he adores his babies. He is patient and kind and makes life so fun for us. He listens to their stories, he answers their non-stop questions… he loves, and he does it so well.
Sure, he has some flaws, like sometimes he doesn’t understand my design epiphanies, or my sudden desire to build my own countertops… but on an every day, every minute basis, he is stinking fabulous.
He is funny… did you know he has jokes? He loves to tease and play with our babies, and he makes me giggle on a daily basis. And he thinks I’M hilarious, and cute…that’s rare, I think.
He is a darn good cook, and he enjoys cooking… He and little M cook together, and it is the cutest. They got in the kitchen last Sunday and made lasagna… I just cannot even stand that cuteness.
He is fun…he plays, he builds lego things, he reads, he watches ridiculous youtube videos with the kids, and he sings the songs from their favorite shows. He even dances the nutcracker ballet with little M just to make her happy. He runs races with baby J, and he teases tiny P… because it makes them laugh.
And our babies ADORE their daddy. There is no excitement like the excitement that ensues when daddy comes home.
He works hard for our family, and he has gone to the other side of the world to bring our babies home and love them unconditionally. He would (he does) do anything for us. He takes care of me…he will run out to get me Chipotle for dinner (my fave!), he lets me sleep in on Saturday, and he gets up with tiny P during the night to meet her needs, and love on her.
I love him more than anything, and I am so proud of who he is… I am so blessed to have him, and thankful that I get to do this life with him!
Happy birthday, husband!