Posts by Joanna Billigmeier
Wordless Wednesday…Happy Valentine’s
This is CHD awareness week, and February is CHD awareness month…but for our family, so are all the other months in the year. We are very aware of congenital heart defects in our house, and all that they entail. We know about special hearts, we have many little friends with special hearts, and our kids…
Read MoreCrafting Monday…
This week, in keeping with our ongoing heart theme, we made heart wreaths!I had little M punch out multi-colored hearts, and I cut the middle out of some paper plates. I handed the babies some glue bottles, and they did their thing.Little M went her own way, as usual, and found that she liked the…
Read MoreSunday…
You have a place in my heart no one else could ever have. Â ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
Read MoreHeard…
What does tradegy mean? ~ tiny PDo you mean tragedy? It’s like when something terrible happens. ~ little MOh, like when I saw a spider? ~ tiny PYes, exactly. That was a tragedy. ~ little M Ok, whatever. ~ the husband, to me, after I was sarcastic.Daddy! You do not say “whatever” to the boss!…
Read MoreFriday Phone Dump…
Letters from our boy… Cute little view to wake up to every morning… Hard to smile when you’ve shoved a whole dumpling in your mouth. Ha. Uncles are for photobombing. Basically, we couldn’t get discharged from physical therapy unless we actually went to a physical therapy appointment. So we went, and the physical therapist agreed…
Read MoreWordless Wednesday…CHD Awareness
Crafting Monday…
We made valentine’s frames this week! This was really the easiest…and the kids were almost as excited about the buttons as they are when we have glitter.Plus, there was glueing and cutting, and painting! To help minimize frustration, I glued the popsicle sticks for tiny P and baby J, so they could get started with…
Read MoreSunday…
He said, “above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” ~ Roald Dhal
Read MoreCrafting Monday…
I am often baffled at how much toilet paper our family goes through. It feels like a lot.We will save the toilet paper rolls for the kid’s art teacher, but we keep some of them so the kids can craft at home…this week I laid out paint, paper, and rolls with some cuts in them.…
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