
Is all this stuff for you? ~ cashier at Target
Yes! It’s for second grade, we are back to school shopping! ~ little M
Wow, you guys are EARLY! ~ cashier
Yes, well, in my family, we just like to get things done. ~ little M. Yeah, we do.

This would be better if we were llamas! ~ little M, hiking down a hill

I feel like a dog because my bangs are so long. ~ little M
Well, should we get them trimmed? ~ me
No mommy, I am growing them out. I am just telling you how I feel. ~ little M

I am super fast! But P is slow…like a turtle. ~ baby J

I’m a little bit scared of the dark. ~ baby J
Oh. It make you cry? ~ tiny P
Yeah, a little because I am scared. I don’t like the dark. ~ baby J
Oh. I like a snowman. ~ tiny P
Yeah. Me too. ~ baby J. Good talk.

But where are you going? ~ baby J
I’m just going out with a friend, and I will come back. I will be here when you wake up in the morning. ~ me
But why? Why are you doing this to us?! ~ baby J. Drama.

Mama! Beep, Beep, Beep! Help, Help Help, I’m stuck, I’m stuck! ~ tiny P, calling for help by quoting a line from her favorite book.

He’s being mean! ~ tiny P
Who’s being mean? ~ me
J being mean! To me!
He’s in the other room, not even talking to you…~ me
Oh. Well. I not happy him! ~ tiny P. Ok, then.

AHHH! You SO naked! ~ tiny P, to a stranger running past us on a walking trail, in Perfectly. Understandable. English. And oh, so loud. Awesome.

Mommy, what do you think… AHH! This sun is so bright out here! I just got blinded, and I forgot what I was going to say. I just have no words left, they just won’t even come out! The sun basically JUST BROKE MY BRAIN!! ~ little M walking out of the store. No words, huh?
Sounds like she has some words to me… ~ baby J, looking at me with raised eyebrows

What do you want, P? Just tell your jie jie, and I will get it for you. Do you want my teddy bear? ~ little M
I want the kitty! ~ tiny P
Babe, you don’t have to give her everything she wants. ~ me
It will make her happy, mommy, it’s ok. ~ little M

Daddy, I am good at yelling at you! See… AHHH! It’s very good for when you are far away, so I can yell DADDY! I AM COMING! ~ baby J

My favorite show is Little Mermaid, but when I am sick I just like to watch airplanes. ~ baby J

There are a lot of different kinds of nuts, daddy. Like walnuts, and pine nuts… what else? ~ little M, looking at a cook book.
There are pecans, and peanuts… ~ the husband
And boys have peanuts, too! ~ baby J

Jiejie, you read pout pout fish to me? ~ tiny P
I already read it to you! ~ little M
You read it again! ~ tiny P
I just read it like, five times! I’m all done! ~ little M
Fine. I will read it one more time…mommy, we need to teach this baby how to read. ~ little M. She has WAY more patience than I do.

I want to watch! ~ tiny P, not getting to watch a show because she threw a giant tantrum.
I’m sorry, people who scream at mommy do not get to watch a show. ~ me
I not scream mommy. I scream daddy. ~ tiny P
Oh. Well, you can’t do that, either. ~ me
Hmph. ~ tiny P

Are you the boss? ~ the husband
Nope! ~ tiny P
Is mommy the boss? ~ me
Nope! ~ tiny P
Is daddy the boss? ~ me
Nope! ~ tiny P
Who is the boss? ~ me
Umm. M is boss! ~ tiny P

I’m so excited to go to the lake! ~ little M
I’m more excited! ~ baby J
I’m the most excited! ~ little M
Yeah, me too! ~ baby J

You can stop reading to her, M, just tell her you’re all done. ~ me
But she will cry! ~ little M
I know, but she will be ok. ~ me
She is just a little baby, mommy, and sometimes when you are a little baby, you just need your sister to read to you. Plus, I hate it when she cries. ~ little M. Best big sister ever…and that baby is a bit of a tyrant


  1. Renate on July 28, 2015 at 4:16 pm

    So hard to grow out bangs! l feel like a dog too! Ha Guess we found out who is the boss.

  2. Always wear your tiara on July 29, 2015 at 11:05 am

    Oh my word, the best big sister ever! Little M is the sweetest. always love the overheard posts.

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