
Once or twice a year I try to do a little interview with little M. I made up these questionnaire sheets, and we use the same questions every time. It is fun to see how her answers change with time…
In the past, she has had trouble answering questions, had to really think through her answers, and didn’t have answers for some questions. This year, she knew. She knew what her favorites were, and what her answers were to all the questions without really even having to think…

What do you and mommy do together? We relax, dance to music, play, do crafts, and decorate the house.

What do you and daddy do together? We are funny together…we make each other laugh, torture each other, we go to the park and the gym, and we read books.

What makes you happy? Ice cream, and icicle pops. sushi, and chipotle. when I can fly. watching movies, playing i-pad, my furby, love, stickers, flowers, and ribbons.

What is something scary? Giants and monsters, and talking, mean trees. and bad guys, and ogres. a big storm and being lost.

What do you think about before you fall asleep? Sometimes I think about my teeth falling out. pictures and books and movies and ice castles.

What are you really good at? Making fish tail bracelets, playing violin and drums. playing nicely, being careful, reading, following directions at school, drawing and coloring, waiting patiently.

Who is your best friend? Sarai, Lydia, Melanie, Hadie, Lars, Mady, Angel, Lydia b, Katie, Abby, John, Kelly, Ruthie.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A scientist, I want to study people and dinosaurs and fingerprints, and plants, and food, and trees and logs.

What is something new you’d like to try? A new park, new flavors of ice cream, and milkshakes. and new restaurants. I need to play more instruments.

Who is someone famous you’d like to meet? Elsa and Anna and Olaf


color ~ purple

book ~ Sam I Am

Movie ~ Frozen

Food ~ Everything!

Treat ~ Ice ream and milkshakes

Drink ~ milk, regular and chocolate

Desert ~ Chocolate

TV Show ~ Diego

Toy ~ Whistle, because it’s loud!

Animal ~ Giraffe

Song ~ Let It Go

Sport ~ Tennis

Day ~ Monday

Holiday ~ Halloween, because it’s all about dressing up

Number ~ 6, because I’m six

Cereal ~ Cheerios

Store ~ The mall

Game ~ Tic Tac Toe

Weather ~ Warm!

Teacher ~ Mrs McKinley


  1. Renate on April 3, 2014 at 9:50 pm

    Very good! My what mature answers. Love the list of friends.

  2. Meg Hoffman on April 3, 2014 at 11:46 pm

    My favorite was what she thinks about before bed.. teeth falling out? Really?! haha

  3. Stephanie on April 4, 2014 at 1:34 am

    Yay! She wants to be a SCIENTIST! Go girl!

  4. dawn on April 4, 2014 at 12:32 pm

    Favourite day is Monday. Monday will be happy that someone loves it. I love her answers. Thank you Little M for always, always making me smile. Those photos are fabulous, as always.

  5. Debbie Sauer on April 4, 2014 at 5:12 pm

    What a great way to keep track of things. She will just love to read these when she is older. Blessings

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