It Has Begun
It’s everywhere. the hustle and bustle has begun and the Christmas season is upon us.
So I made myself a little list of goals for this season:
1. I want to remember to stay centered. I don’t want my heart and mind pulled in every direction by super cute craft ideas, the super tasty looking recipes, and the beautiful photos of decorated rooms that make me want to scream with delight. I know I can’t try everything, have my house look like a Pottery Barn catalog, and stay focused on how I really want my heart to feel this Christmas. So, to that end, I will endeavor to give up the superfluous crafts and decorations after the 1st of December.
2. I want to be completely done with my Christmas shopping by December 1st. Before you scoff, let me say that I have accomplished this goal in the past. I have even once finished by the first day of fall! I have found that long lines, big crowds, and pressure buying take away from the joy of buying gifts for my loved ones.
3. I want to remember what Christmas is really about. I want December to bring peace and quiet, and nights of relaxing by the tree, meditating on the real meaning of Christmas.