
Little M is a girl after her mamma’s own heart, and is loving this Christmas, with all of it’s music, lights, and food.
Her favorite thing has been lights, and whenever we drive past a house adorned with Christmas lights, she will yell out, “lithe! Pweppy!” Of course, I always agree with her, they are “pweppy.”

(she gets equally excited over large trucks…)
Last night we took her to some gardens close by, that had a light show set up, that you walk through. Little M was giddy with her excitement. And we were excited for her, as was everyone that heard her squeals of abandoned joy…


  1. michelle on December 19, 2010 at 7:37 am

    Love the joy and wonder in Little M's eyes as she looks at the lights. That's also my daughter's favorite part of Christmas. The holidays are so much more special when you experience it with your child. Enjoy!!

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