Nobody Likes No
I know I don’t like hearing the word no. However, I am pretty sure that when I hear the word no, I do not look quite this cute.
The shocked look…
The downcast eyes…
Just making sure mommy still means no…I’m not sure I do.
Posted in Parenting
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I have a wonderful husband and four amazing and precious children who were born in China. More about me...
I know that \”NO\” look all too well. Darling strawberry hat/outfit.
Good luck telling those eyes no and meaning it!
Wow! Are you sure you can tell her no?! She's tugging on my heart strings. I want to give her whatever she wants! LOLMy little guy just said mama for the first time today – and yes, he meant me, wasn't just babbling! New word experiences for both of us today. BTW, loving the blog. Cheering me up during these dreary days.
Awe… Just give it to her mama.That look is just too sad and is breaking my heart. I'm not sure I could handle that. Allie's response to the \”no\” looks were never quite so sweet… And these days she grows little horns!
It's so hard to say no especially to a cutie like that! And I loved her ladybug costume. She is just adorable!!