Summer Wreath…

I waited all Winter to be able to complain about the Summer heat. And…here it is. It is so SO hot, and I am ready for Fall. So there. But we still have months and months, and Summer decor is oh, so very cute and bright and fun, and I do so love the cuteness. I also love a cute wreath on the door, but a fourth of July wreath that is not red, white, and blue craziness is hard to come by. So this is what I have come up with…

Being all white, it will work all Summer, and I can pull the flowers out, and exchange them for seashells later in the month.
I glued strips of white paper on my tube so that no green would show through. You could just as easily paint it, but I have no patience, and didn’t want to wait for it to dry.
After that was done, without even waiting for the glue to dry (yes, I WAS living on the edge) I started glueing cupcake wrappers on my tube. I didn’t take a picture of this step, but really, it’s glue and stick. Easy as pie. Or cake.
This could be really cute in red for Christmas, or multi-colored for a birthday party, as well.


  1. Musings from Kim K. on June 13, 2011 at 2:50 am

    Adorable wreath. I love how you are going to extend it all summer long too.

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