A Day In The Life…
Several days out of the week now we have no doctor appointments, and we are not taking tiny P anywhere but to doctor appointments right now, so on those days, we drop little M and baby J off at school and pick them up, but we don’t run errands. I run errands at night, and we have groceries delivered in an effort to keep tiny P out of stores and away from infection as much as we are able.
But… many of our days are full of doctor appointments, and we try to always schedule them in the morning so that tiny P is able to get a nap in the afternoon, since she tires so easily, and really needs her rest.

Yesterday and today were doctor days. We had several things scheduled at Children’s yesterday and today was the pediatrician for a pre-op visit before her heart catheterization next week.
This is what a day in the busy life of tiny P looks like…
6:45 – am – I get myself up and ready for the day
7:15 – the husband gets baby J up and ready for school. Bless him.
7:30 – baby J eats breakfast. little M gets up and dressed. She is usually up and reading in her room     earlier, but we make her wait till 7:30 to come out because she is so loud.
7:45 – the husband takes baby J to school. I get tiny P up and dressed and do both girl’s hair.
8:00 – the husband heads to work. little M eats breakfast, and I try to get tiny P to eat a little while I Â draw up her meds for the day.
8:15 – I keep trying to get tiny P to eat while I gather her snacks, meds, bottle, and medical folder
8:30 – tiny P has managed to swallow a few bites of something, and she starts taking all her meds.
8:45 – we take little M to school
9:00 – little M is dropped off and tiny P and I are headed to Children’s hospital.
9:25-9:35 – we get to Children’s and get parked. On days that we have baby J with us, we often use valet parking. Whoever thought of valet parking at children’s hospital was a genius!
9:45 – we head to the second floor to get blood work done.
10:00 – labs are done, and we head to the third floor to the cardiology clinic.
10:15 – we are checked in to cardiology, and tiny P eats a little snack.
10:30 – we get tiny P’s vitals done, and get her into a gown to do an EKG.
10:45 – dr. M examines tiny P, and we talk for a bit.
10:55 – we are done, and headed to the car.
11:30 – we get to baby J’s school and pick him up.
11:45 – we are home, and baby J and tiny P play for a few minutes while I make lunch.
12:00 – baby J eats lunch, while I try to get a few bites into tiny P.
12:30 – baby J has devoured lunch, tiny P has managed a little, and tiny P takes some mid-day meds.
12:45 – Baby J goes in his room for quiet time, and tiny P is in bed for a nap (on days we are home, she goes down earlier.)
12:45- 2:00 – I eat lunch, make and return phone calls to doctors, and answer emails.
2:00 – baby J gets up.
2:45 – tiny P wakes up.
2:45-3:15 – we read books and play. Tiny P takes her afternoon meds.
3:15 – we head out to pick up little M.
3:30 – little M gets out of school.
3:45 – home! little M does homework, and we color or do a craft.
4:00 – the babies eat a snack.
4:15 – the kids play, tiny P loses interest in everything but being carried.
4:45 – the kids watch a show while I start dinner.
5:00 – I get tiny P’s evening meds together.
5:15 – the kids eat dinner. tiny P eats a bit and takes her meds.
6:00 – the kids finish, we clean up.
6:15 – bathtime.
6:40 – we pick the husband up from the metro.
6:50 – we get home, and the babies get ready for bed.
7:00 – baby J and tiny P are in bed.
7:15 – the husband and I sit down and eat dinner together.
8:00 – little M goes to bed.
And that’s the day!