A Little Chair For A Little Girl…

If you do something for one kid, you have to do it for them all, right?

The only difference is that now we have a six year old little M, and she wants to be capital I Involved in every. blessed. thing.

I bought Ikea chairs for little M and baby J before they came home, and painted them, giving them their own chair, and us a place to put their booster seats…

We bought tiny P’s chair a few weeks ago, and little M helped me put it together…

She also helped me paint it. No, I don’t understand her hair either. She said it had to be this way so she could wear her pirate hat. Whatever.

We used the same colors as on little M and baby J’s chairs, because I’m matchy like that…

But I painted a different design on the seat, because I’m not too matchy, you know?

I did flowers on the seat. It was hard.

Little M has ladybug dots on her chair…

And baby J has manly little stripes on his…

I love how this turned out, but if we have more kids they will have a sad, plain chair, because I am fresh out of ideas for more chairs. Ha.


  1. jessica on August 4, 2014 at 6:41 pm

    I love that they all have special, kind of matching chairs! What a cute idea!!

  2. Brianna Wachter on August 5, 2014 at 7:04 pm

    Love these chairs so much! How great that Little M wants to be involved…but yes, I can totally relate to how frustrating it can be when kids want to be involved in a project and I want it just so…trying to balance my desire for perfectionism with my desire to not squelch their creativity and desire to help is a challenge 🙂 And if you have another kids you could always do chevron?

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