After Eighteen Months…
Little M has been home for eighteen months today.
I cannot believe how far we have come in eighteen months. So many changes, so many milestones met. The little girl with the weak heart is no more. The little girl who could not hear is no more. The little girl who could not run, and fell down EVERY time she tried is no more.
Our little M is a strong, healthy almost four year old. She is talking up a storm, and is able to communicate.
When we first brought her home, she was fearful, and easily overstimulated. She could throw tantrums like nobody’s business, and could not calm herself down. She would zone out, and shut down for periods of time.
Now, she is able to self-regulate, uses words instead of tantruming, and we haven’t seen her withdraw or shut down in months.
I used to worry that she would never talk, and it used to depress me to think that we would never communicate like a normal family.
Now…we are getting there.
We are talking. We can ask her questions, and more often then not now we get an answer, instead of hearing our questions repeated back to us.
She can run, and rarely falls down now.
We can understand her, and she is beginning to voice thoughts and opinions. The girl has a LOT of opinions!
We are still working on her language development, and little M continues to see her speech therapist once a week.
But she no longer needs any other therapies! Her occupational therapist told us a month ago that little M has met all of her goals, and is age appropriate! The little girl who tested at a seventeen month level eighteen months ago, has caught up, and is not only on target for her age, but months ahead in some areas!
A year and a half has come and gone quickly…not all of it has been easy, and I am very relieved to be on this side of the journey. I am so proud of our girl and how far she has come, and I am so happy she is ours!

Happy eighteen months little girl! I can’t wait to see what the next eighteen months bring us, but I’m so glad we get to spend them with you!
YAY!!! Way to go, little M! You are absolutely precious. We just celebrated 18 months at home with Titus on the 26th. So fun to relive all those memories and how much we and our children have grown in the process.
Happy 18 months! Continued blessings on all your daughters milestones. In a few weeks, we're getting ready to celebrate Josie's 4 year anniversary. It goes by so quickly. Hugs!
Way to go girl!
What a fun way to do the pictures, sidewalk chalk, that isn't nearly as special as all of Miss M's achievements, however. Way to go Miss M!!!:)Michelle
I love these photos!!! Lately, when Jenna sees me at the computer, she's been asking to see Feng Feng's pictures… she saw these ones and said \”oh, so cute!\”