And A Half…

Today this boy turns four and a half…

We will celebrate with cupcakes, some gifts, and a ton of snow.

This boy… he has my heart, and I love his little four and a half drama filled self so much.

This morning I told him it was his half birthday, he smiled, then he got serious, and said “but I not bigger!” He is not bigger, it’s true. He is just barely starting to get into a size four, and size three is still much more his speed. He just barely made it over 30 pounds, and his skinny little self is rocking it at 32 pounds and 40 inches.

But he makes up for it with his personality, which is larger than life…

He is my sensitive, sweet, stubborn, princess and pirate loving boy. He is happy and he has the best, most joy-filled laugh of anyone I know.


  1. Paula on February 23, 2015 at 6:27 am

    Those dimples…..I'd have a hard time saying \”no\” to that cute grin! Happy Half Birthday, Not So Baby J!!!

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