And Then He Was Seven.

Just like that, our little dude is seven…

He chose a space themed birthday, which just happened to be on the same day as the eclipse, and now he is completely convinced that the eclipse happened just for him. Haha!

Our baby J is still a tiny little guy, just barely out of size 5T clothes. He loves his sisters more than anything in the world, and he just wants to play always and forever. He loves pirates, cars, and babies, and he has been asking for a baby brother for the past two years.

We love this little guy, and we can’t wait to see what the next year brings him!

Happy seventh, baby J!


  1. Debbie Sauer on August 23, 2017 at 2:29 pm

    A baby brother would be wonderful! You are such great parents. Happy Birthday Handsome. Blessings

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