Friday Phone Dump…
She saved up her allowance to buy this makeup kit. It was very exciting, obvi… Also, she is clearly a natural at makeup application… Just keeping a lookout. Please note the sword down his pants. Also in the makeup kit? nail polish… AND it washes off! Who made wash off nail polish?? As a result,…
Read MoreWordless Wednesday…The Tree
We celebrated our tiny two year old on Sunday evening, finally! With all of the being hospitalized and emergency surgeries, and random coughs popping up, I was worried we’d never get to do this… then on Sunday, she woke up with a bad rash, all over her entire body. Turns out that tiny P is…
Read MoreSunday…
Before we knew you, we dreamed of you, we imagined you, we prayed for you… now that you’re here we hope for you, we love you, we thank God for you.
Read MoreTwo…
Today, on the day we set aside to give thanks, We are thrilled that this baby, our tiny P, is home with her family, right where she belongs. In the past two months, our tiny P has had more doctor’s visits than I can count, and has already had two minor surgeries, with many more…
Read MoreThankful…
Every year I am overwhelmed with how much we have to be thankful for… We are so blessed, and our lives and hearts are full of love overflowing. This year especially, I am struck by the beauty of our blessings… God has given me so much… A wonderful husband who is also a loving, fabulous…
Read MoreWordless Wednesday…Precious Pumpkin
Working Out A Plan…
We are still processing all of the information we have learned about our tiny P, her precious heart, and her complex anatomy, but we are relieved that we now have a plan in place… Last Monday tiny P’s cardiology team met to discuss and decide what to do with our girl… Tiny P’s heart surgery…
Read MoreOur Pumpkin Is Two!
And just like that… we have a two year old in the house.
Read MoreHome And Happier…
Our toothless tiny P came home late Friday night, and went straight to bed. On Saturday she spent most of the day sleeping, but today, we saw some precious toothless smiles. And she has been eating, which makes this mommy relieved and happy.
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