Celebrating Four…

We celebrated this precious boy last weekend…

He was beyond excited about his special day.

Last year he was excited, but I don’t think he really got it.

This year, he has known for weeks that his birthday was coming.

And he knew what this birthday business was all about.

I am excited that I still get to pick the theme… for now, anyways.

He knew exactly what the schedule would be, and he was into every single bit of it.

Especially the presents…

He was thrilled about our mustache tattoos…

As was little M. This girl rocks a mustache, don’t you think?

I sure do love this boy…

And just like that, he is four.


  1. Paula on August 23, 2014 at 12:29 pm

    My goodness, you sure know how to throw a party! Love it!!! Happy Birthday to one awesome four year old!

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