Easter Treats…

I do love me a holiday themed treat!

We needed some cuteness for little M’s school party, something fun for her teachers, and something for her to give her little friends. And who doesn’t love pretzels and chocolate?

They are especially lovable when they are in the form of cute bunnies and chicks!

For teachers and friends, we just slathered the chocolate on the peeps…and little M “spinkled” them.
We did a white chocolate version and a chocolate one…
Peep bouquets for the teachers…
We did peep chicks for her little friends.
So easy and fun!


  1. Musings from Kim K. on April 3, 2012 at 12:28 pm

    Your pretzels are just adorable. I've promised the girls that we would do chocolate peeps this afternoon after my foot doctor appt. Darling treats! Well done.

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