Five Wishes…
There are so many things I want for her… but since it is her fifth birthday, I will limit myself to five wishes (now aren’t you glad she’s not fifteen? Imagine the long post that would be!)
1. Love
I want my girl to love others… to be compassionate, and to care about others. I want little M to have a heart of love for those that are different. To have the courage to stick up for those that are being bullied, to befriend and love the less popular.
I also want my girl to be loved…I pray often that God will put people in her life’s path that love and care for her, and see her for the wonderful little person she is, inside and out.
2. Self worth
I want my daughter to always be proud of the way she looks. I don’t want her to ever feel like she has to change herself to make others happy. She is beautiful, and I want her to believe that God made her perfectly. People will always judge and stare at someone who is different, but I want to give my daughter such a strong sense of self worth that being different will make her proud.
3. Good taste in men…and shoes
Both of these will get you far in life, right?
Please, please, let the boys that little M brings home not give me a stress heart attack. That is all.
4. Sass and individuality
Oh please, not too much…just enough to be able to stand up for herself, and be confident in who she is. I love that she marches to the beat of her own drum, and I never want her to follow the crowd.
A bit of sass is a good thing, and can go a long way. I would love for her to be strong in her beliefs. I want her to know that life is not always about success or being happy… because happiness is not all that I want for my girl. I think it is far more important to be content, and to love God.
5. Good health
Being healthy is something that we will never, ever take for granted when it comes to our girl.
I would love for her to never have to go to another doctor, ever… but since that seems out of the realm of possibility for now, I will wish that her heart continues to stay strong, that she continues to grow, and that we never have to stay in a hospital for weeks again.
It was super hard to keep this list to five things, there are so many things I want for my girl!
I so love my precious little five year old!
Happy blessed birthday Mackenzie!