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I have a wonderful husband and four amazing and precious children who were born in China. More about me...
I have a wonderful husband and four amazing and precious children who were born in China. More about me...
Joanna, Your post says it all.I'm sure you may be sick of hearing this by now, but we are waiting with you and praying something happens SOON! Love you guys!Celine
Joanna,I do know how you feel. waiting is not easy. We have been waiting for our first ruling for a few days short of 3 months now. I know it will happen eventually but it is so hard to keep going to bed at night and trying to convince myself that maybe tomorrow is our day… or at least THIS week or MONTH. The wait will be over soon, you will travel and then start the waiting process all over again for China! Now… how cool is that??? We can wait AGAIN together! And somehow, the wait for China didn't hurt as bad… I think because we traveled just 8 weeks after seeing our daughter's little face. Taiwan is hard on the heart.Jami
Hi there. I stumbled onto your blog somehow – just clicking around the blogosphere, but I wanted to leave a comment because I, too, live in Maryland… and we have one daughter from China and are awaiting our second child (LID June 2006). Anyways, great to find you!