Friday Phone Dump…
Little M and baby J enjoy going to my old work with me, and they get spoiled rotten there. Almost all of their favorite stuffed loves are from there, and the last time we were there, little M was given the choice of about twenty animals. Even with all those choices, she only wanted one thing… I tried to talk her out of it, but we came home with a second kitty.
Now I see sights like this everywhere we go…
Crazy girl…
Our friends gave me a book about girl hair styles for Christmas, and I’ve been working through it with little M. This was our first attempt at a bun. I loved it on her!
Building with legos on an airport layover…
Wrapping presents with her cousin A…
Poor sick little dinosaur…
Does this look comfortable? No?
Waking up on his first Christmas!
A snow day…
I love his poses. He asks me all day to take pictures of him with various stuffed loves, and this is always the pose I get. Ha.
Feeling better, at the pet store… I love to see him smiling again! I did not love that when a sales person asked if they could help us, baby J asked, in perfect English with perfect sentence structure, if he could “eat the goldfish.” Oh yes, he did. Then to clarify, he said “the orange ones? They look yummy!”
Who says that??? Baby J. That’s who says that… gah.
First time going poopoo on the potty. Yes, I took a picture… It’s what I do.
And look how proud!
Sleeping little M. After vacation, her first week back at school exhausted her, and I have had to wake her up most mornings.
Doing homework. Little M loves her some homework…
You crack me up.LOL.
the goldfish comment made me LOL, I'm sorry. If my child had had said it you would have laughed!Gorgeous pictures of gorgeous gorgeous kiddoes.happy new year