Friday Phone Dump…

Just a cuddles together in Mommy’s bed…

We have a car sleeper. This is new and interesting…

On vacation at the grocery store we found this car cart…

As you can see, everyone was thrilled.

Baby J is starting to give up naps, so I have to take every picture I can of sleeping cuteness.

Chocolate (and crazy) face…

Happy chocolate face…

A little flower craft.

On her family day little M chose to go to Matchbox, because “they have dough to play with and special kid’s cups.”

Baby J’s new nighttime braces. Don’t they look like torture devices?

Happy boy in the car…

More sleeping baby. I know, it’s an addiction.

Grumpy face. Please note that she tucked the paper she was holding between her toes so that she could cross her arms at me…makes me laugh.


  1. Musings from Kim K. on August 31, 2013 at 1:32 pm

    Love them!!!

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