Good Times…
There have been many birthday happenings this week. Yes, that’s right, I celebrate the whole week. The whole month, really, but the birthday week must have special consideration.
It’s a rule.
The husband, in his great love for me, abides by this rule. Good man.
And so, in accordance with the birthday week rule, we have spent the past few days doing things I like.
We have gone berry picking at a local orchard. Little M was quite a fan, and filled her bucket up several times over. She does like herself a full bucket…
We spent a day at the harbor…shopping, playing, boating, and most of all, eating.

She is a water lover, our girl is. We all are, and I am sure we will be spending a lot of time on the water in Summers to come.
The captain of the boat let her “drive,” and she thinks she is pretty much the queen of the water now. And she might be right…
We have been working our way through my favorite foods. What is a birthday celebration with copious eating?

Glad to hear your birthday week is going so well!! : )