Just some things heard in our house lately…
Hmmm. It’s like our car had a little baby! ~ little M, about our rental car while our car was in the shop
Oh. My. Goodness. It is beautiful in here! ~little M. At the toy store. Bless it.
That tower is super tall. It’s even taller than my friend John! ~little M
Mommy, you make my heart feel super happy! ~little M, while we were coloring. Sweet girl
Mommy, did you know that most bengal tigers live in India? ~little M
Mommy, it has been a long, long, long, LONG time since I’ve seen a bengal tiger. I just want to let you know that. ~little M. Drama.
Mommy, anacondas need water, or else they will get too hot. ~little M
Mommy, most jaguars live in Lackin America. ~little M
Do you mean Latin America? ~me
Yes, that’s right. Lackin America. ~little M (I have no idea if this is true, or not)
Mommy, there is a difference between crocodiles and alligators. ~little M
What is the difference? ~me
I don’t know, we will have to look it up on the computer. ~little M (was I tricked? I felt tricked…)
Oh no, mommy. Do I have to clean this big mess? ~little M, about cleaning up her crayons and papers. The answer was yes.
My brother is almost three. Please don’t touch him, we’re working on attachment. ~little M, at the grocery store. Clearly I tell people this a lot. Ha.
The weather is trying to tease us, huh mommy? ~little M, about our crazy sunny one minute, raining the next minute weather.
Your elbow has wrinkles, can you try not to wrinkle it, mommy. ~little M. What?
This won’t hurt… this doctor is just looking in my ear… but sharks can hurt you, you know. ~ little M, talking to baby J at her doctor appointment last week.
Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy! ~baby J
Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy! ~baby J
Yes, baby J? ~ me
Hi. ~baby J. Yes. Really.
Jie jie! JIE JIE! JIEEEEE JIEEEEE! ~baby J. Yes, those are shouty capitols.
What? ~little M
Bus! ~baby J
Yes, I see the bus. ~little M
What? ~little M
BUS! ~baby J
I see it! ~little M
Jie jie! JIE JIE! JIEEEE JIEEEE! ~baby J
I heard you! It’s time to be quiet now! ~little M
Bus. ~baby J
I know. ugh. ~little M. Ha. Serves her right.
Jie jie! Hug! ~baby J
I already hugged you a lot! All done. ~little M
Oh, mommy, you’re so precious to me. ~little M, before bed. Think she hears that a lot?
What a nice day to play in the pool! I am having the best day right now! ~little M, playing outside in our kiddie pool.
Mommy, why did the kia climb in the tree? ~little M
Ummm, hmm. is this a joke? ~me
No. Not a joke! ~little M
Ok, well can you tell me more about the story? ~me
You know! The kia! He was a wee little man, and a wee little man was he! ~little M. Oh.
Oh, we can’t go that way, it’s a bad end. ~little M, at the store. One of the aisles was blocked off.
Do you mean a dead end? ~me
Nooo…what’s a dead end? ~little M. Ha.
Precious. It's so good to record all these special little sayings.
I still get so giddy when I know it's apost about htings your kiddies have said becasue they say the most adorable things.
mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy…. Hi!My kids to that to me ALL-THE-TIME!LOL