What a great day to eat outside! ~ little M…while we were eating lunch inside. Ha.
Well. Of course I’ll help you! You don’t even have to ask! ~little M…after I told her what I was looking for while shopping. Where does she get this stuff?
I sure wish I was a mermaid right now. ~little M…who doesn’t?
School and bus are two words that just go together, you know? ~little M
Please don’t hit your sister with your cast. ~Me, to baby J
Please don’t stand on the rolling toy. ~Me, to baby J
Please don’t put cheese in your nose. ~Me, to baby J…boys are so weird.
Mommy, will you scratch my head, because I am holding my chicken (at dinner)? Umm, no mommy, you need to use your claws! ~little M
I sure do love fairies! ~little M…while we were grocery shopping.
Just so you know, I am out of pull-ups. After today, I will have to wear panties to bed, so maybe you should go to Target. ~little M
Mommy, did you know that unicorns are just a fantasy? That’s why they live in a magical land…now you know! ~little M
Did you know tigers have very good eyes for seeing in the dark? ~little M
Did you know that anacondas are very big? And they are green and have black spots to blend in their environment. ~little M
Did you know that Armadillos have a hard shell to protect them? And sharp claws for digging. ~little M
Oh. My. Goodness. They have mickey mouse pull-ups. It must be my lucky day!! ~little M
Look at me, little buddy. Let me see your eyes. ~little M…can you tell we are working on eye contact? (thank you Karin Purvis!)
Mommy. Can worms yawn? ~little M. We googled it, and I still have no idea.
Do crocodiles and alligators make different sounds or the same sound? ~little M. Had to google that one, too.
You no touchy! ~baby J, to little M…20 times a day.
You don’t have to share that if you don’t want to. It’s your snack, and baby J already ate his. ~Me, to little M
It’s ok, mommy, I love to share with my brother! ~little M, giving baby J the rest of her snack. Love this girl.
Hmmm, lets look at all the clues to figure out why my brother is crying! ~little M, and his leg was hurting.
Owie! Poor baby…shad! ~ baby J, every time his leg cramps and hurts.
For this Halloween, I would like to be a flying zebra mermaid. ~little M…I don’t know what that is.
love that funny girl!
She is so smart! And so weird haha so cute!
Such cuties!!!
What a wonderful way to start my morning! I love looking in on you and the family each day. Thank you so much for sharing.
What a wonderful way to start my morning! I love looking in on you and the family each day. Thank you so much for sharing.
AS soon as I saw \”heard\” I got so excited, for these are my favourite posts. Little M says the bestest things and now there are 2.