In Four Days…
After five plus years of waiting to be parents, it all boils down to this week…in four days, WE ARE GOING TO MEET HER.
After wondering what the day will be like when we become her parents…in four days we will know.
After wondering for the past six months, what makes her smile, and what makes her happy…in four days she will be ours, and we will will be doing everything we can to see that beautiful smile, and see her happy.
After wondering and worrying over her care and health…in four days that will still be a worry, but it will be our job.
After six months of loving her and praying for her…in four days she will be in our arms, and we will be able to tell her we love her.
I just can’t believe…in four days, WE ARE GOING TO MEET HER!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you….can't wait to follow the journey to her!
hooray! SO excited for you and cannot wait to see you together as a family of three!
I got chills just reading yor post. I am so excited for you! You are almost there Mama!
YAY! The next time I see you, you will be a MOM (officially) and I will get to see this precious little girl! Hooray Hooray Hooray!!!!!!!