Just Halfway…
We have been spending a lot of time at the ENT lately. You know it’s a lot when you are told to go to your “usual exam room.” We have been there once a week lately. Poor little M handles it like a champ, but some of the procedures lately have been uncomfortable for her. This week she told me that it was “a little bit owie. I welly, welly, welly bwave.” So cute.

The problem? Little M’s little ear. She is still not hearing well out of it. It has been scraped, suctioned, and opened. But right after anything is done, it closes back up. So we have drops we have been doing, and will continue to do until next week. Right now the plan is to have her ENT keep seeing her regularly. Then, next month, we will meet with her ENT and another specialist to discuss having her aided.
I have no idea what that means right now. I don’t know enough about hearing aids to even know how they would aid such a tiny ear. I would love for little M to be able to hear out of both ears. She can hear out of her big ear, and can hear enough for speech development, but I still want her to hear everything. I don’t want her to miss anything.
Also, we will be seeing a plastic surgeon in the next month, as well. It may be that little M will need to have her prosthetic done before aiding, or they may want to wait. There will be much to think about in the coming month! And, unfortunately for little M, a lot more doctor visits.

Thinking of you both and all your upcoming doctor's appts and decisions. I remember all those things with Josie's heart surgery and reconstructive hand surgery. Extra hugs!!
Poor baby! We'll be thinking of you as well. It's so hard when kids are little and don't quite understand what's going on, but are old enough to know they're going to the dr. and don't like it! Hopefully you can get some things worked out in the next few months!
I meant to say she is wearing an adorable outfit! She's so cute!
You are so bwave, Little M! We wish you all well in the coming weeks. Many happy hugs!