Little M…
It’s almost been a year…and every year, around this time, I start to get a little bit nervous. Every year around this time, we start planning for and talking about little M’s next cardiology appointment.
She knows what to expect…she knows she will get an EKG, and echo, her cardiologist, Dr M, will listen to her heart, and review her tests. They will talk and joke and laugh. She makes him cards and writes him nots about how hilarious he is. He will hug her and tell her she is adorable.
I know what to expect, too, but I never know what will happen in the end…He will compare her tests to last year’s, and he will decide what we need to do next. Do we need to do an MRI? A cath? Or will it be unchanged, and we can wait another year? Will we need to start seeing him every six months?
I know that every year that passes brings us closer to the news that little M’s heart can’t wait any longer…and it is surgery time.
What will next month bring?