Little Projects…
I get easily bored. I need projects. So I’m always on the lookout for some fun useful things to create.
Little M has copious amounts of hair paraphernalia. We needed something cute, but functional.
I found this little frame, and some black ribbon at Michaels, and glued the ribbon on the back…
And viola! A hair bow holder, display thingy! Unfortunately, there are more hair products than this, so clearly, I have a problem…but they are so cute!

I always am on the lookout for fun art, and am constantly changing out what we have.
A plain white canvas, and some chipboard letters…and this is perfect for Valentine’s, an anniversary, or adoption day!

Love your hair accessory holder. Aren't hair bows/barrets fun!!
i love the white on white!
Love them! I will forward this on to a friend! 🙂
You are just too crafty!! Love the hair bow holder. Mine are all thrown into a drawer, but it's so much cuter to have them out for everyone to see.
Love the canvas! Turned out cute!