Little Pumpkins…
And how could it not be? My house is at it’s best when it is dressed for Fall.
And my babies… well, I think they were born for Fall colors.
The pumpkins make our tiny P smile. And that makes me love Fall even more.

We were not sure about the pumpkin patch this year, and are planning to skip most of our usual seasonal social traditions…
But I am glad we went to this!
Little M begged to go pick pumpkins, and since it was an overcast, rainy day, the pumpkin patch was empty!

We had the place to ourselves, and we lived it up. The kids ran around picking up little pumpkins, and laughing when they couldn’t budge the big ones.
They raced each other up and down the rows, and we were thrilled to see them all so happy…
And this little girl talks about “punkahs” every day, and she smiled (we may have even heard some giggles) the whole time…
Yay for the pumpkin patch!
So many have been asking where I get the kid’s clothes, and if I make them… I shudder to think what they would look like if I attempted to make them, ha. I buy a lot of clothes from Zulily, some from Naartjie (just for the girls), and when all three match, I go to Etsy. Etsy is amazing, and I am always so happy with the things we get for the kids!
Gorgeous photos! So great to see them all so happy!!
Oh. My. Word. Those smiles are divine. So glad that the smiles are coming more frequesntly. I hope other things are happening too.
LOVE her little smile!