On Safari…

Today little M, baby J, and I went on safari…in China. Little M was so excited to go back to the safari park, and had a list of the things she wanted to do most. Baby J is just excited about everything.

This baby elephant was very curious about the kids…

One of little M’s most favorite things is to feed the giraffes.

She loves it SO much, and giggles the whole time.

Last year our baby J was scared of everything, and he and I stood back and watched little M feed the animals. This year, he was all about this.

No fear… he loved it!

The giraffes are my favorite, too. They are so pretty.

The other thing little M remembered from last year, and really wanted to do again was feed the baby tiger. So, that is what she did. I think her smile says it all…

This little baby orangutan was so funny… He would wait until the caretaker wasn’t looking, then try to open the gate, or just climb over the top.

He was giving baby J high-fives through the glass…

At one point, he climbed up, and was trying to touch baby J, he was so enamored with him…

We made sure to ride the trains through the park…

Obviously, both kids were excited about that…

It’s fun to ride through, and get up close and personal to some of the animals…

Little M squealed with joy at every new animal. She declared the cheetahs “adorable,” and the bears “precious,” and baby J wanted to ride the zebra.

Fun day with my two oldest!


  1. Paula on September 23, 2014 at 10:29 am

    Gorgeous pics!!! What an amazing place!

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