Rustic Lighting…
I wanted some rustic lighting for our boy room, but all the lighting I liked was quite expensive…
So I had to come up with something more affordable…
I found this shade at Ikea for sixteen dollars with the hanging attachment…
I picked up two packages of shims at Home Depot for three dollars each…
I stained one package, and painted the base of my shade. Then I started glueing on my stained shims.
I glued them all the way around, and then glued the unstained ones on top of those.
We hung it in the room, and viola!
A rustic hanging light for $22!
Not too bad, huh? I may do some kind of wire or twine wrap around the top, but I think it works well for now!
Brilliant…especially at $22!
You are so creative and resourceful . I love it !