Summer Books…

We have taken full advantage of the library this Summer, and we have enjoyed many “book” activities to go with them!

One of tiny P’s new favorite books is the Pout Pout Fish, and we read it several times a week.

We bought this book after going to story hour at the book store…

And we brought it home and made our own pout pout fishes.

We’ve read MANY heart books this Summer, at little M’s request.

We made edible heart models…

And we learned about the ventricles, atriums, and valves of the heart.

We labeled heart pictures, and you can’t see it, but little M drew in where her holes were, and changed her leaky valve a little bit. She told me she is now “at expert level when it comes to hearts!”

Baby J loves Pete the Cat books,

So one day for snack, we made Pete the Cat shirts…

And we added his four groovy buttons. We have read copious amounts of nature books, and visited nature centers. We’ve read about money and play shopped with monopoly money, and we’ve researched butterflies, penguins, oceans, and trees.

We still have three more weeks, so we’ll see what they bring us!


  1. Always wear your tiara on August 7, 2015 at 10:25 am

    Pete the cat was Rosies favourite at that age. We met James Dean at a book fair that the girls were attending in a parade. We had no idea he was going. Rosie was a Pete the Cat book in the parade. he was so nice. Try and contact him, he and his wife, are lovely and so friendly towards kids. I know he would sign a copy for Baby J

  2. Alyson and Ford on August 14, 2015 at 10:59 am

    The library is the best place to have fun with books; we go every week to check out books for AA. Loved catching up on your three sweeties!Alyzabeth's Mommy (Alyson Cobb Morgan)

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