The Day We Became A Family
Twelve months ago today our family of two was handed a beautiful two year old little girl.
And we became a family of three.
What was a joyful, happy day for the husband and I was a devastating and traumatic day for little M. Our family day was emotional and heartbreaking…it was also one of the best days of our lives.
And so we will celebrate. We will celebrate our family day because even though it was a day full of scary change for little M, it was also the day that little M got a family. She did not have a mother or father, but on that day she not only got a Mommy and Daddy, she became part of a family. And we are so very blessed to call her our family.
It has been a blessing and a privilege to watch little M grow and change. Having her has changed me in ways I never imagined.
She is an amazing, resilient, stubborn and strong girl. She is brave and smart, and has tried hard to learn so much. She is beautiful, and confident, and I can’t wait to see what the next months bring us. She tries my patience and makes me laugh. She likes to tease, and she loves to laugh. She is affectionate and sweet, and she is also the sassiest girl I have ever seen. She is one of the strongest, and also one of the most fragile, girls I have ever known.
She is my daughter…I am proud to be her Mommy, and I love her in a way that words fail.
Little M in her orphanage in China…

Little M today…

Hi, My name is Bethanyanne and I've been reading your blog for a little over a year now. I'm always amazed at your strength and honesty.I am happy the Lord has blessed you in the last year and the years to come.
Happy Family Anniversary!! Continued blessings to your sweet family.
Congrats on such a special day. Enjoy!!
happy 12 months!
Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for awhile and your daughter is simply precious! We also received our daughter 7yrs ago today, it's amazing how the time goes…it still feels like yesterday. 🙂
Happy 12 months as a beautiful family! So happy for you… where has the time gone? We've just hit our 11 month anniversary and can't believe that one year is just around the corner… I love following your blog and hope that someday our girls will meet again – I am convinced that they remember each other!