The First Week…

Well, we’ve done it…we’ve made it through the first week of school!

Five days a week has been a HUGE transition for our girl. And for me, too.
It’s only half days this year, but I miss little M so much! I don’t know what I’m going to do when she starts kindergarten next year…

The mornings have been quieter…my house has been cleaner.

The afternoons have been filled, spending every moment I can with my girl.

Transitions are hard for our little M. And this has been a HUGE transition, but she has managed to pull it together wonderfully, and has enjoyed herself.

She even got a star on her behavior chart every day, and got to pick out a prize!
I know it’s a little thing, but it’s huge for little M, and I am so proud of her, especially after she informed me on Thursday that she was planning to have an attitude at school that day. I guess she changed her mind, ha!

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