Then And Now…Five Months

Five months ago, we came home from China… we had known our son for two weeks, and we saw a lot of this face…

He was terrified, scared and sad.

But we had already seen his precious little smile, and we were in love.

Now, today, our baby J has been home for five months. Sometimes it seems much longer, and some days it seems like no time at all.

And we see this face a lot more than we see the sad, scared face…

Our boy has come amazingly far in five months. With 14 weeks of casting, surgery, and dental work being done, he certainly hasn’t had an easy time of it.

But he keeps on smiling. And that makes me happy.
Happy four months, baby J!


  1. dawn on September 19, 2013 at 4:23 pm

    I say this as a mother of an adopted child who also had to have surgery and dr's visits and all that stuff. I believe in my heart that Rosie bonded to us more and more each time she had to have something done to her when she realised we were ALWAYS there for her when it was over and done with. When she saw us, she knew it was OK. I firmly believe it helped to forge our bond. She wasn't an easy nut to crack, so to speak, she truly loved her nanny at HTS and devasted when she lost her. Trust for her was a long time coming. But now….no one comes between Mama and Ro Ro.Phew…that was long.

  2. Musings from Kim K. on September 19, 2013 at 6:09 pm

    I couldn't have said it better than Dawn. Congratulations on all your major milestones these last few months.

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