Transitions Are Killer…

My precious girl has been in total chaotic meltdown mode for the past week and a half. Why? We have been wracking our brains, trying to figure it out. We have kept her home almost every day, we had no doctor’s appointments all last week (yay!), and have kept things very simple for her at home.

Still, life has been hard for little M, and it doesn’t seem to be resolving itself as of yet…she has trouble sleeping through the night, has a very hard time if I am out of her sight for a moment, her eating is off, and her behavior is trying my patience. The poor little thing is a basket case!

We have discussed her behavior at length, and then it hit us. Well, actually it hit the husband first, the little genius.

It’s summertime. School’s out, and the transition has wrecked little M. Transitions are so hard for our girl, and I forget that life is just hard for a little while after a major transition. This is our first post school summer break, so I have nothing to compare it to, but now I remember that she was like this when school started, as well. And also around big holidays, birthdays, etc.

So, now we know, and we can blame it on the transition…but life is still hard for my girl right now.
Yesterday, she went to through away a tissue, and told me “it’s ok for my to go in the other room. You no worry you can’t see me. I still here.” Think she hears that a lot?

Poor thing! Here’s hoping next week is better!


  1. Heather on June 25, 2012 at 2:20 am

    transitions are soooooo hard. for my bio daughter who is 11, and my adopted son who is 3. i came home tonight after 3 nights away and he couldn't possibly leave my side. after three years home, he still worries that i won't come back to him. and my darling daughter, who has struggled with attachment since birth, continues to have a hard time with transitions. open your heart, remember your compassion needs to surpass her fear and courage… and peace be with you all.

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