TWO Years…
We got home, and we saw more and more sweet smiles, we were treated to some sass, and we saw many, many doctors. We knew our girl was so sick, and we knew that no matter what her future held, or how long that future might be, she needed a family…
We became pros at being admitted into the hospital at a moment’s notice, and our baby spent over 200 Â days in the hospital her first year home.
We have learned so much from this tiny bundle of sass…she has taught us so much about hope, about being brave, about crazy love, and living life to the full. We have learned that loving, even when you are afraid, even when you might lose someone, big beautiful love is always, always worth the risk.
My baby taught me that. How lucky am I to be her mommy?
Happy family day, tiny P!
Pretty in pink! She is growing up so fast.