Water Lovers…

My babies LOVE the water…

I love being on the water, too.

It’s so peaceful, and pretty…

I love it. All of it…

The sunshine, the rain, the sunsets.

It’s all so beautiful.

And I really love the crab faces this boy makes…

I love it all.

But mostly…

What I really love…

Is seeing my babies so happy.

The water makes them happy. And when they’re happy, I’m happy.


  1. jessica on August 14, 2013 at 12:22 am

    It helps to have such cute subjects in front of the water too 🙂

  2. Paula on August 14, 2013 at 12:59 pm

    Beautiful pics. I have a little one who adores the water too. When I first brought her home she was absolutely petrified of water. I am so thankful we managed to work through that. Now I can't keep her away from it!

  3. J Willis on August 17, 2013 at 1:30 am

    Oh my goddessThey are SOooooooooo cute!!!!

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