Weewee And The Poppy
So, we have been very half- hearted in our potty training efforts. VERY half- hearted.
After hearing what all of you experienced moms had to say about how long some of you waited to train your kids after adoption, and how to tell if a child is ready, we thought we should back off a bit, and give it more time.
Little M has decided to take matters into her own hands. She likes m & m’s.
Little M has three potty words: poopoo, weewee, and poppy (potty). She has the poopoo down pat, and will tell us when it is coming, and she needs to go to the poppy. She will even hold the poopoo until she can get to the potty!
The weewee, not so much. She will go if you put her on the potty, but she won’t tell us before hand that she has to go. She will, however, tell you she wants to go poppy after she has already done the deed.
Hmmm, I am baffled. And since I have not been actively potty training, I will most likely not do anything about it, but continue to cheer and dole out m & m’s when she does go on the potty.
I am in no hurry, and rather enjoy the ease of diapers.
I hope she never learns how to say potty correctly. I love hearing her run through the house on the way to the bathroom shouting, “Poppy! Poppy!”
Also, potty training still stresses me out, and makes me sweat. That is all.
We definitely didn't push the potty training and Josie figured it out in her own sweet time. I figure the medical issues trumped potty training. I love her potty talk. Too cute!!
Good luck! I really love your laid-back attitude. Generally, I have found that being somewhat relaxed is the best tool in my parenting tool box, but I am no expert.
Love the words that she uses! We're also being relaxed about it. Lexie is interested in it and wants to sit on the potty, but has only used it once. She's not quite 2 yet, so I'm in no rush. It does seem that Mackenzie is on her way. Good luck!
you are a brave momma for just following her lead! potty training terrifies me!! go mackenzie!
You are very wise – follow her cues and you can't go wrong. We found that if we rewarded her for trying at \”typical\” times, that helped…..like first thing in the AM, before/after lunch, after nap, before bath/bed, etc. We got in the practice of those \”typical\” times and rewarded her for trying and then she got a \”double reward\” for success. We started out only rewarding for success and she got discouraged. If she is successful with #2….you are half way there. :)We also did things like take her shopping for panties and pull ups to help include her in the process. We moved to panties during a small window of time and built up from there…for us, we would put on panties after dinner until bath/bed…so a short period of time but a time of day when she wasn't going 17 directions and a time of day that is the same 7 days/week. We would ask her every 15-20 minutes if she needed to use the \”poppy\” (so cute). We then moved up to after nap until bath/bed and on from there. Good luck!Heather