What’s happening with China?
The CCAA (China Center for Adoption Affairs) has given out referrals (the word in the adoption community for being matched with a baby) through March 8, 2006.Â
What does this mean for our wait?
When we submitted our dossier to the CCAA, we were given an LID (Log In Date). Our LID is May 30, 2008. Each month the CCAA hands out new referrals up to a certain date. So people who were logged in on, or before, March 8, 2006, have been matched with their babies. Last month they had given out referrals for families logged in before March 5, 2006. That’s a total of three Log-in days referred in one month’s time, and they still have to refer over two year’s of LID’s before they reach us. So, at the current pace, we are right now looking at a wait of 7-10 years! (yikes, that is hard to type)
So that is where things stand with China, and why I don’t talk about our China adoption very much at this point. We ARE still committed to our China adoption, and we ARE still planning on pursuing it, but it is a long way away. We are exploring other avenues within China adoption, and if anything should change, my readers will, of course, be the first to know :-)Â