Where we are at
We are in the process of finishing our Taiwan homestudy. This is the second homestudy we’ve done, since we have one in China with our dossier. In Maryland, some of the things required for the homestudy are health reports, marriage and birth certificates, sanitations inspections, fire safety inspections, driving records, various references, and employment letters, and numerous background and FBI clearances.
Once our homestudy is completed, we are approved, in the US, to be adoptive parents. The homestudy then gets sent to immigration (USCIS) and they give us an appointment to get fingerprinted. Once our fingerprints are approved, we get immigration approval, and we are legally able to bring a foreign child into the US, where they will become legal citizens upon adoption.
The wording of the homestudy is very important. Some words and phrases do not translate well into Chinese, so Paula, our social worker, is careful to word things carefully.
We have all the paperwork submitted, and the homestudy should be finished by the beginning of November, and we will be happy to have this part of or Taiwan process out of the way, so we can hurry up and wait! :-)Â
Congrats on moving along w/ your homestudy. I came here via a link from a friend\’s blog. I must have looked at your blog before because I remember the beautiful hallowen tree you made! And I was so happy I found your blog again because the snowman plate you painted is awesome! I am trying to do a snowman tie-dye for my daughters and love the snowman you painted….so when I \”borrow\” that design I\’ll have to give you credit!!
Thanks for the updates! Glad to hear the good news about the China application. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers a lot.
sorry, that last comment was from. forgot to sign my name! Celine.
Hi JoannaMy name is Sheri and I came across your blog tonight while researching concurrent adoptions. We are finalizing our paperwork for China (should be getting our HS draft back this week) My husband and I would also like to have at least 2 children and we are not getting any older!Can you comment on my blog – what Tawain agency you are using or any info. or advice on concurrent adoptions. Thank youSherihttp://theshaniaproject.blogspot.com