Why I Love Four
The four year old is easy to explain things to.
The four year old is easier to reason with.
The four year old asks better questions than the three year old.
The four year old is calmer than the three year old.
The four year old enjoys playing with others more than the three year old.
The four year old is much more independent.
The four year old is more responsible.
The four year old takes herself potty when she needs to.
The four year old likes to cuddle and be held.
The four year old can have a basic (nothing big yet) conversation.
The four year old can follow directions.
The four year old can get herself dressed and ready to go.
The four year old loves to help, where the three year old just followed.
The four year old can clean up after herself without help.
The four year old can clear her space and put her dishes in the dishwasher after eating dinner.
The four year gives spontaneous hugs.
The four year old thinks of others, and is more caring.
The four year old is all mine. And I love her more than anything!
Those are darn sweet reasons. Just wait until 5 & 6!!