LOA!Gah, what a stressful wait…that wait for that approval letter NEVER gets easier. Our wait for little M’s and baby J’s letters were much longer, so we are very thankful that tiny P’s came more quickly. So when do we travel??? There are still a few more steps until we get our travel approval… We…

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These two have been into pirates lately, and they frequently gather all the small chairs in the house and fashion them into a pirate ship… Doesn’t little M make a good pirate? Baby J might have to be a Hulk for Halloween…we’ll see. Hanging out at the hospital, waiting for her appointment. Books in the…

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I think you could maybe make me a countdown for school, and it could have a little candy and a present each day…kind of like an advent, but for school. ~ little M Why are you naked? ~ meBecause I took my clothes off. ~ little M. yes, clearly… Mommy, if you torture me, then…

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Something we’ve been talking about for a while is taking the kids to some caverns… Finally, after talking the thing to death, and before we are carting a tiny P around, we decided to just go one Saturday. So we threw everyone in the car, and headed out. It was so fun, and the kids…

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If you do something for one kid, you have to do it for them all, right? The only difference is that now we have a six year old little M, and she wants to be capital I Involved in every. blessed. thing. I bought Ikea chairs for little M and baby J before they came…

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I love you ’round and ’round the world, I love you through and through. And when it seems impossible to love you more, I do. ~All the ways I love you

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Yesterday was momentous for baby J… it was his readoption day! Yes, baby J is already adopted, and already legally ours, but it is recommended that kids who are internationally adopted be adopted again in the United States, under the laws of their state. This process secures the recognition of a parent/child relationship under US…

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